Homayoun Zarghany Investigative Journalist expert in analyst travel market
The coronavirus pandemic has made a big halt on the tourism industry in the world. So, Iran is not exceptional in these situations. The country tourism activists are suffering severely from the consequence.
Due to economic sanctions, reliance on oil revenues is more fragile than ever. The depreciation of the rial against the dollar and Iran’s unique historical and cultural attractions have led planners, more than ever, to develop infrastructure and facilitate the travel market in Iran. The tourism industry is now one of the government’s top priorities to attract more revenue.
Tourism companies have been very active in attracting tourists in areas such as history, health and religion in the neighbouring countries, European markets and the Far East in the last two years and have received government incentives to do so.
Jointly, accommodation and hotel facilities have expanded in Iran. Although world-renowned chain hotels are lacking in this market, indigenous investors and hotel boutiques have been able to open a new business in this market.
The coronavirus outbreak has stopped these development programs in many parts of the country. The Ministry of Health and Medical Education, along with other public and private institutions, have made great efforts to control the circumstances to get back the ventures in right tracks.
According to Maghsoud Asadi Samani, secretary of the Iranian Association of Airlines, the outbreak of the Coronavirus has affected the Iranian aviation and tourism industry.